Tag: 'Digital Art'
digital art, Model Photography
Angel/Saint // Bernadette Newberry, Cincinnati & Dayton OH Conceptual Photographer
August 14, 2023
These photos are from a shoot I did with Stacey Smith (Ai Tenshi Misha) a few years ago at Mill S...
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Model Photography, Fashion Photography, Glamour Photography
Cascade of Flowers // Bernadette Newberry, Cincinnati OH Based Portrait Photographer
July 12, 2023
Here are a couple photos from a fun artistic photo session I did with model Stacey Smith/Ai Tensh...
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digital art, Headshots, Model Photography
Digital Art Portraits // Cincinnati & Dayton OH Portrait Photographer
September 28, 2020
These are a bit old by now since I haven't been updating my blog like I should. But! Here are a c...
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Fashion Photography, Headshots, Model Photography, Experimental, digital art
Margarita - Fine Art Beauty Portrait
May 23, 2019
Fusion of digital art & fashion/beauty photography featuring Margarita Karižskaja and Sarah C...
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Experimental, Glamour Photography, Model Photography, Headshots
"Unfinished" Beauty // Cincinnati & Dayton OH Editorial Photographer
May 14, 2019
These two pieces are a fusion of digital art and photography - meant to mimic an unfinished paint...
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